Wednesday, May 4, 2011

say AH!

Sorry it’s been so long since I posted last.  Somehow I managed to stay busy :)  A lot has happened since January, but with three kids that should be no surprise.
Paisley had a wonderful Birthday at the end of January and I still can’t believe she is already 2.  She made out with lots of great gifts since we have such an amazing family.  She is talking more and more every day and our current favorite fraise is "chicken butt" you can’t guess who taught her that....daddy!

We had a great valentine’s day and were so blessed to have BJ's mom come out and visit us at the end of February.  We love when she visits because we have so much fun and it reminds us on how blessed we are to have such an amazing family.  We took her to the zoo, one of our favorite places to go, and got "snurfed on" by elephants which we are told is good luck.  While Nana was here we celebrated all the Birthdays with a dinner at Olive Garden which was so good!  Sadly the visit came to an end but we can’t wait to see her again soon!

Bianca celebrated her Golden Birthday.  She turned 4 on March 4th.  We celebrated with a Minnie mouse cake, requested by the birthday girl herself.  Again we have an amazing family and Bianca was so blessed with wonderful gifts.

  Gage is growing like a weed and doing new things every day.  He teases us with crawling.  He got up on his knees and made forward movement once and i got all excited....and he hasn’t done it since...he prefers the army crawl, and boy is he good at it!  I can set him down and less than 30 seconds later he has made his way from the living room through the dining room and kitchen down the hall and into the girl's room :)  He is eating some foods on his own and had learned how to gurgle his spit, a lovely talent :)  He now has a single bottom tooth!  It’s still hard to see but I can feel the little sharp points if I dare to stick my finger in his mouth. 

Last month we splurged on a groupon to go to a private zoo here in Wichita that prides itself on its interactive exhibits.  I have to say it was a blast!  We got to feed giraffes lettuce, pet blue tongued lizards, let lorikeets drink nectar from our hands and play with a pin full of turtles.  They had an exhibit where you could walk around and pet kangaroos, which are incredibly soft!  They also had a camel that we got to pet, a gorgeous white tiger, cute little penguins, and lots of other cool exhibits.  The highlight for BJ and I was feeding the ring tailed monkeys!  You walk into a grassy area with large rocks to sit on and the lemurs just jump into your lap.  They weigh like 2 pounds and are so cute.  you have to pay 2 bucks to feed them and they give you a single crasin :)  what a rip off but it was so much fun and a great memory.  The highlight for the girls was Clifford the Big Red Dog was there for a visit :)  Can't wait to go back!

BJ's dad also came out to visit us during Easter weekend.  The boys went fishing almost every night yet didn’t catch anything we could  keep and eat.  We took BJ's dad to the zoo as well and had a blast.  We took the girls fishing and didn’t catch a thing but got some great pictures.  BJ and I were brave and decided to attempt a trip to the movie theater with all three kids while BJ's dad tried to rest.  We took the kids to see Rio.  It was a cute movie.  Paisley had the hardest time sitting still.  Gage also had a hard time as he wanted to talk through the whole movie.  Even though Bianca did well we may wait a few more years before we try that again.

Easter was fabulous!  The bunny was very generous this year.  Lots of goodies and toys.  the favorite was toy hamster that have since been broken due to abusive play :)  We went to church and then came home to do an Easter egg hunt.  The girls had a blast and screamed with excitement for each egg that was found.  BJ then made BBQ ribs and we dined like royalty.  Later we enjoyed golf in the front yard and tending to our newly planted garden.

Last but not least...Paisley's foreign object.  The Monday after Easter the girls are rough housing on the couch and i scolded them and told them to stop.  No later than 3 seconds after that I hear a metal sound hit Paisley's back teeth and then she began to chock.  I can’t tell you the horrifying feeling of your child choking.  Luckily she didn’t choke for long and she ended us swallowing whatever it was that was in her mouth.  Due to the metal sound of the object I had assumed it was a coin, most likely a penny.  I waited to see of it would pass but no such luck.  Took her into the doctor on Friday and after several x-rays we are not sure what it is.  On the films it looks like a kitchen knob, but all of ours are accounted for so I am at a complete loss.  The doctor wants us to wait another week to let it pass on its own before we discuss other options.  If it doesn’t pass by this Friday we will most likely have to put her under and send a scope down her throat and see if we can retrieve it that way. 

None the less we are all fine "relatively" and just enjoying all our many blessings


  1. Glad to see you're back to your blog! I've been anxiously awaiting a new post.
    Don't leave us in the dark for so long next time!
    Love you ;)
    Brian Coberly

  2. Really this blog should be called "The Adventures of Paisly" because that little one gets into so much stuff!
