Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Our Colorado Trip

Well we had a fabulous vacation back to CO!  Our trip out was great; we left at 4 am so we could get some road time in while kids were still sleeping.  We stopped in Colby (1/2 way)for breakfast, but had to make one more stop 30 minutes outside of Limon because Gage needed a break.  Next time we go out will be better because he will be in a forward facing car seat by then and can watch movies with the girls.  It was a very welcomed site to see the beautiful mountains, because you dont realized how much you will miss them until you dont get to see them everyday!  We got to have dinner with BJ’s dad and wife that night since they had plans later in the week.  We also made a quick visit to his mom’s on our way home since she lives back in Denver now. YEAH!!!!!!

On Saturday we just took it easy and went to the park.  It’s a park both BJ and I used to go to as kids.  Both of our moms came with us.  We let the kids “dip” their feet in the water.  Turns out the water is deeper than I had remembered and one second of not watching Bianca and she was in thigh deep.  Of course I hadn’t brought spare clothes with us so my mom ran back to get dry clothes.  We all had a good laugh when she brought back a pair of Gage’s 12 months shorts for Bianca, but as luck would have it they fit her quite nice, it’s a good thing she is skinny J  My mom brought kits and we attempted to fly them but the wind was just not strong enough.  We also road the train there and all of us had a great time!

On Sunday we went to our old church and got to see some old friends which was nice and the kids had a good time seeing their old Sunday school teacher.  After Church we took a short visit to his moms where BJ’s uncle and cousin’s family was too.  We then headed back to my grandmother’s house to have a family birthday party/get together with all the extended family.  Kids had a blast seeing and playing with all the cousins.  They did chalk, tag, sprinklers and other activities to keep them busy while the adults chatted and snacked before dinner.  Gage got some nice gifts and we got a surprise visit from my aunt and her family who had flown all night back from a trip to Hawaii that morning.  We all went to bed and slept like rocks!

Monday morning BJ left early to go help his mom set up for the BBQ she was hosting for us that afternoon.  My parents and little brother came up from Colorado Springs to visit and play with the kids.  The kids entertained us as they always do with the funny things they say and do.  My mom and grandma left to go pick up some Subway for us and while they were gone my dad snuck a rice crispy treat which my mom had already told they girls we could not have until after lunch.  I asked him if he had just eaten one, and with a full mouth said “no”.  Bianca promptly walked over to me and said “Actually, my grandpa DID have one!”  and she was serious too J We all got a good laugh out of that one.  After lunch I packed the kids up to go to the BBQ that BJs mom had.  The kids a great time playing with their other cousins and again the adults had a good time catching up

Tuesday we met my grandma Coberly, aunt and cousin for lunch at the best pizza place ever!  Frank the Pizza King is a must go to whenever we go back!  After lunch my grandma treated us all to a trip to the aquarium.  It was a blast!  We got to see them training the tigers in the water and see all kinds of cool sea creatures! Bianca loved the sharks.  We also got to feed the sting rays.  Bianca freaked out when they “tired to eat her”  so I got to finish feeding them.  It feels like a cat’s tongue licking you when they grab the fish out of your hand.  We then headed up to Monument to stay with my Aunt the rest of our trip 


Wednesday we drove up to Colorado Springs to hang out with my parents.  We kind of putzed around in the am before decided to go to lunch at one of my favorites, Chick-fil-a!  They don’t have one in Wichita yet so I had been craving it bad!  It was SO! Good!  After lunch we went to Garden of the Gods and walked around.  It was pretty hot and kids were getting a little crabby towards the end, I think they were dehydrated.  They got to take a nap in the car on our way over to my other Aunts (yes I have a lot of aunts and I love it!) to go swimming in their pool.  The cool water was a nice treat.  Paisley and Bianca had a great time jumping in and poor Paisley was having such a great time she didn’t want to get out even though she was shivering and her diaper had swollen to 4 times its normal size J.  To finish the day we all went back to Monument and had a family dinner and good conversations.

On Thursday BJ and his mom played golf in the morning while I went to visit my aunt and cousins who had just gotten back from Hawaii.  It was nice to just relax and not feel like we had to rush off.  We talked while Bianca picked up 2 bags of pine cones for my aunt out of the yard…but then she just dumped them back out on the porch…oh well.  When BJ finished golfing we went to lunch with his mom and then headed up to Tiny Town.  We all enjoyed ourselves looking at the tiny houses and peering into the windows.  We also got to ride the train before leaving and going to dinner at one of BJ’s favorite restaurants Brewery Bar III.

Friday morning we woke up and headed to the Denver Zoo.  We met up with BJ’s mom, BJ’s cousin and 3 three kids, aunt and her step son and then BJ’s grandparents and their three grandchildren and their mom.  We were a large group to say the least J   We walked around for a bit before stopping for lunch. There were some mean geese patrolling the picnic area and stole my aunts pizza.  We took the kids on the carousel since the train was broken.  All in all it was a great day and we were so sad to have to leave.  We went to dinner with BJ’s mom and my parents at Red Robin as a last supper before hitting the road the next morning.  We left at 3 am and only had to make one stop for breakfast in Colby before getting back home about 12:30.

Colorado Mountains :)
Kansas Mountains :(
We had an amazing time and enjoyed seeing everyone!  We can’t wait to come back out and do it again!

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